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A member registered Sep 06, 2021

Recent community posts

Your info about The C64 is spot on and it fixed the speed issue. (Thank you.) As for the Restore key issue, I can get to happen on The C64 also. It sometimes happens if you press the Restore key just at the right time when the first level just starts. (When Quasi drops in.)

(1 edit)

I like the game and the snow fall effect is excellent. Would like to have a setting so that jumping uses the Fire button. (Not pushing Up on the joystick.) Some issues with getting into the Options area and selecting settings then getting back out.  (PAL Vice 3.6.1.) I have a Maxi and can try it to see how it goes.

Thank you.

You think it is going to be easy then the time start running out. Would like to be able to disable the music. Thanks for making this port, lots of fun.

Might try using VICE 3.5 and setting it to PAL mode. Worked good for me. Good luck with it.

Using Neutron v1.1. (Broke a joystick playing this game). Finished it by saving states in VICE 3.5 and reloading it after getting killed. Looking forward to Neutron 2021 :-) Great game Sarah. The only down side is I can't enjoy the graphics because I am on the run from the enemies all the time. (Not really a complaint.)